Short Fiction

The novel is still my favorite form of writing. Until recently, it was the only form of writing that I’d done. I’m definitely sticking with it, but lately I’ve been experimenting with some short fiction as well, and I’ve really been enjoying it. I thought it made sense to list my shorter pieces here as they get published. I hope to keep adding to it as we go!


The Great Presidential Debate of 2024, published in The Satirist (February 12, 2017)

The Last Hard Man in Tribeca, published in Issue Nine of Pinball (April 8, 2016)

Undocumented, published online by The Saturday Evening Post (December 18, 2015)

Short-Changed, published in Mulberry Fork Review, Issue 3, Volume 2 (August 13, 2015)

Daddy’s Annual Performance Review, published online by theEEEL (February 16, 2015)