Mid-Summer Update

Summer is just flying by, isn’t it?  I can’t believe it’s August already!  July was packed full of family fun, and there’s more on the way!  In between, though, I’ve tried to buckle down and push myself to finish the first draft of book number two.  I’m up to 80,000 words, and I think the end is in sight!  Of course, getting through the first draft will only represent the end of the beginning, but it’ll still be a big step.

Last week, Peripheral Involvement received a wonderful review from Richard Bunning.  You can see it here (scroll down to the bottom of this page – it’s #15 on this list), or you can also see it on my Amazon, Goodreads, or Barnes & Noble listings.  Many thanks, Richard!  I’m so glad that you enjoyed it!

As a result of Richard’s review, Peripheral Involvement has been awarded a place on the Awesome Indies list of quality independent fiction.  So I’ve got that goin’ for me.  Which is nice.  You can check out their site here.


I also posted an interview on Awesomegang.com (not related to Awesome Indies – just happened to do two “awesome” things at around the same time).

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!